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Thank you, 2009! and 1rad moves


please note that this blog moved over to http://radiospiel.org/1rad.

Check out the latest addition:


0x28 – Rails thread threats, and run_later

We all know that rails has a rocky history regarding threads. Sadly, that seems also include the Rails port of one of my favourite Merb features: run_later.

Basically run_later takes a block, turns it into a Proc, and sends it to a worker threads for later execution. That way the request processing is not hindered in any way. Say, you want to send a “you have just signed-up” email to your users: this is a perfect solution: easy to use, lightweight (you don’t need extra middle ware), and semi reliable (no fallback when your system breaks down).

However, I ran into few problems using mattmatt’s solution in, at least, development mode:

– the app regularly ran into class (un)loading issues, and
– Rails’ mysql adapter apparently didn’t disposed of used database connections, refusing new connections

While all of the above can be explained as some of the quirks of the development environment it didn’t increase the “trust level” into that solution (and I have to point out here, that markmark’s code looks pretty good to me, and that these problems more likely arise from the somewhat idiosyncratic behaviour of Rails towards threads)

That made me thinking: why use threads in the first place? After all, what we need is a defined point during request processing that gives us a handle to yield of some piece of code, and which occurs after the request’s response has been sent back to the client. And, yes, thanks to metal, I found one.

So here is a solution. It is not as feature complete as markmark’s, tests are still missing, and it blocks the server process until the run_later block is finished. (But you have more than one server process running, haven’t you?)

Someone out there wants to help move that into a regular plugin?

0x27 – [BUG] cross-thread violation of rb_gc()…

If you are running accross this error

[BUG] cross-thread violation of rb_gc()
ruby 1.8.6 (2008-08-11) [universal-darwin9.0]

– say you are are installing the latest so-called “stable” typo version on your OSX machine – then you might see the above error. Here is the solution: *remove the bundled json gem!*: It is version 1.1.3, which is way old, and apparently it contains some binaries that were compiled using ruby 1.8.6. Just install the “json” gem locally.

0x26 – Where 100% C0 code coverage is just not good enough

I guess you are using rcov too to check that all your code was active in your tests at least once. Well, then, here are some bad news:

  • rcov code coverage only checks whether or not a line was executed, meaning any code from that source line. And this usually trips on
    do_something if some_condition?

    because what happens if some_condition? always fails in your tests? (say, “Rails.env.production?”). A somewhat chatty way to detect such cases is to write it down on multiple lines:

    if some_condition?
  • Due to the heavily dynamic structure of a Ruby application nearly nothing is guaranteed to yield the same results when calling at a different time or in a different context, even code as simple as
    %w(a b c).sort

    may yield unexpected – for the naive reader – results. So even if you have 100% code coverage, the case might be that the entire test framework which runs the tests for you behaves differently depending if called from rcov, and then your code might behave different within the framework and without it.

No, I don’t strive for a 100% test coverage. I employ TDD any now and then: there are cases where that works just perfectly. I employ a big enough test suite to give me confidence in my app. And I employ black box tests – the real world is where the real app will be running. So testing against that is what gives me confidence in my application.

0x25 – Add support for greylisted users to your site

In the ever ongoing fight against spam there is one really wonderful weapon: greylisting. For those that don’t know how it works: whenever an email server sends an email for the first time, the receiving mail server rejects the email with a temporary error. The idea being that a legimitate server resends the email after a certain period of time, and then the email gets through, but a spam sender is likely not to resend the mail again.

Which works like a charm – I have a spam ratio of less than 1% since I enabled grey listing, and that without any spam classification on my servers – unless… you are registering at a new web service. In which case the confirmation email doesn’t get through the first time, me having to wait for some indeterminate time. On a countless number of services I just decided that the wait was not worth my time…

If you want to give me and other grey listers a smooth user experience consider the following:

  • reduce the grace period from one hour (which is quite likely the default value in your Linux distribution too) to a value around 5 minutes, and/or
  • modify your application that a user, which is registered, may use the service for a certain time without confirming the confirmation email.

I understand that the second option is some work and might not always possible; but the first option is just a simple configuration setting and should take your system admin no longer than 5 minutes.

0x24 – mongrel_rails restart: It might not work well.

Just found out that mongrel_rails restart does NOT work, when the original mongrel was started with the -c option. Yuk!

Well, this is not entirely true. It works if the -c parameter contains an absolute path, or refers “to itself”:
-c ../current works like a charm, and in fact updates the current directory to whereever current points currently.

However, I could not get mongrel_rails restart –soft working….

0x23 – Study: ruby coders are more attractive than PHP coders.

Well, that is of course total bullshit. With that title I will conduct a small experiment.

I found that the least informative of my blog posts attract the most readers. So if this stays true with that post (and a title like that should attract at least some attention) I will add more noise here. Promise!

0x22 – Your daily class variables and constants surprise

It is not chrismas, hence no quiz, but this was strangely surprising:

class A
  @@t = "A::@@t"

  def self.s1; @@t; end
  def self.s2; T; end

class B < A
  def self.s1; @@t; end
  def self.s2; T; end

class C < A
  @@t = "C::@@t"
  def self.s1; @@t; end
  def self.s2; T; end

[ A.s1, A.s2, B.s1, B.s2, C.s1, C.s2 ]

gives you

["C::@@t", "A::T", "C::@@t", "A::T", "C::@@t", "C::T"]

0x21 – Array#to_proc

class Array
  def to_proc
    proc do |obj|
      self.map { |sym| obj.send(sym) } 

gives you

Account.all.map(&%w(id email))